It is available in kali linux by default it is one of DOS attack software, ddos stand for distributed denial of service attack. You can launch and stop dos attack, whenever you want. The -S option allows to set SYN flag, the -p option can be used to provide the port number of destination, the -c option defines packet count.In this illustration hping3 will act like an ordinary ping utility, sending ICMP-reverberation und getting ICMP-replyThis illustration is like popular utilities like tracert (windows) or traceroute (linux) who utilizes ICMP packets expanding each time in 1 its TTL value.Here hping3 will send a SYN packet to a tagged port (80 in our example). Run the following command to do that: sudo hping3 -S -p 443 -c 3 Įxample output: HPING (ens33 S set, 40 headers + 0 data bytes

Let's say we want to check whether port 443 is open and calculate the round-trip time (RTT). When installation is finished, we can check hping3 version: hping3 -version Testing hping3 Next, run the following command to install hping3: sudo apt install -y hping3

Update the package lists: sudo apt update

This tutorial demonstrates how to install hping3 on Ubuntu 20.04. The hping3 allows to send not only ICMP echo requests but also TCP, UDP, and raw IP packets. The hping3 can be used as alternative to the ping command. The hping3 is a tool that allows to analyze TCP/IP packets via command line.